Artist, Author, Poet, Singer/Songwriter, Musician
A multi-dimensional artist living in the Nantahala Forest of Western North Carolina, Teri Leigh Teed combines several artistic disciplines to fully express her heartfelt inspiration with a sense of purpose. She also enjoys the collaborative creative process and states, "Photographic art, combined with my personal stories, poetry and songs, is part of my vision of creating, with other-like minded artisans and craftspeople, a community of self expression, beauty, and healing through art. My intention is that these personal gifts will help you find your own inner peace, and help bring a remembrance of who you are."
A graduate of Sotheby’s Institute, London, Teri received her M.A. Decorative Arts and Historic Interiors from the University of Buckingham, England.
Teri's debut indie book Mystical South Carolina – A Pilgrimage to Joy details her own intuitively led seven-year pilgrimage to 12 sacred sites in her birth state, and brings awareness to the sacred geometry of our Mother Earth. Teed’s intention is to help Mother Earth and all her inhabitants to heal.
One of Teed’s fine art photographs “Reflections on Black Creek”, created at Kalmia Gardens in Hartsville, South Carolina and part of her solo exhibition "Celebrate Nature, Celebrate Life", is the cover art for her book Mystical South Carolina – A Pilgrimage to Joy which launched in October 2019.
Teri's poetry is featured in the Camden Poet’s Society 25th Anniversary Collection “What We Keep, Passions of the Heart” and on TraveleronthePath.com.
Teri is also a songwriter, composer and author of the musical, “Seasons of the South – The Original Home Grown Musical and Storytelling Show©”. She writes and performs her original folk/bluegrass/Americana songs celebrating the South.
The artist's "Healing Spirit Art©" reveals the life-affirming presence of a power greater than us in the manner in which she captures light filtering through majestic trees, tranquil landscapes, reflections in water, peaceful roadways, and drifting clouds in the sky. As a photographic artist and storyteller, her inspiring artwork deftly blends light and shadow to create visual textures and invites us to connect with the Divine in all.
Her fine art photography has been exhibited in many juried shows including Piccolo Spoleto International, Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS, and she is a recipient of Awards of Excellence in Manhattan Arts International curated exhibitions. Her photographs have been featured in many publications including Lensculture.com and the Editor's Daily Picks on BlueRidgeParkwayDaily.com. She is a member of the Friends of the Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS.
Artist's Statement
Being amidst Nature’s glory is where my sacred space is, as that is where my heart resides. Ever since I was a child, I have revelled in spending time along a beach or river, on a mountain or in a forest. For me, trees are especially filled with the wondrous. Photographing these sacred spaces and writing about them is connecting with the Divine, and brings me peace, serenity and joy. Telhard de Chardin captures my feelings best: “The whole world is my altar.” And that is what I wish to share through my art.